• A French Anger
    1. The yellow vests: "It's yellow, it's ugly, it doesn't go with anything, but it can save your life"

    A French Anger

    The Origins of the Movement

    The Yellow Vest movement emerged following the rise in fuel prices due to the government's increase in the domestic consumption tax. This measure sparked anger among the struggling middle class, who were seeking an alternative system to cope with their increasing livelihood issues.

    A Leaderless Mobilization

    What sets this movement apart from traditional demonstrations organized by unions is the absence of a hierarchical structure. The Yellow Vests utilized social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, as well as private platforms, to organize their protests without relying on an intermediary organization. This movement was characterized by its lack of structure and centralization, and its demands evolved over time.

    The Evolving Demands of the Yellow Vests

    The demands of the Yellow Vests evolved over time, reflecting the growing concerns of the middle class. In addition to improving living conditions, their demands included the reinstatement of the wealth tax, the resignation of President Macron, and the implementation of a Citizens' Initiative Referendum (RIC). The Yellow Vests expressed their desire to see a new government emerge that would take their concerns into account.


    Police Repression and Radicalization

    The Yellow Vest movement has faced unprecedented police repression. Many protesters who had never participated in demonstrations before were shocked by the violence deployed by law enforcement, which was perceived as embodying state violence and becoming the target of their anger. This exposure to police repression contributed to the radicalization of some protesters.

    Impact on Cultural and Sporting Life

    The Yellow Vest protests have had a significant impact on cultural and sporting life in France. Many concerts, festivals, museums, theaters, and other cultural venues had to close, be postponed, or canceled as a precautionary measure. The Ministry of the Interior even had to reschedule certain matches of the French football championship to ensure adequate preparation of law enforcement against the Yellow Vest demonstrations.

    Violence and Property Damage

    During the protests, acts of violence were committed, causing considerable property damage. Barricades were erected on the Champs-Élysées and set on fire, bus stops were damaged, store windows were shattered, vehicles and kiosks were set ablaze, and urban furniture was vandalized. The property damage is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of euros. The Yellow Vests also vandalized, painted, or destroyed over 60% of automated road control speed cameras in France.

    Initial Empathy and Condemnation of Violence

    At the beginning of the movement, some of the population expressed empathy towards the demands of the Yellow Vests and saw the violence as an understandable expression of despair. However, as the protests prolonged and the violence escalated, general weariness set in, and condemnation of violence became widespread. In particular, the destruction and looting of the Arc de Triomphe evoked deep sadness and great anger within society.


    Government Measures and the Grand National Debate

    Faced with the scale of the movement, the government ultimately abandoned the increase in the domestic consumption tax. President Emmanuel Macron announced emergency economic and social measures, as well as the launch of the Grand National Debate, aimed at gathering the concerns and proposals of citizens. However, despite these measures, the Yellow Vest protests continued every Saturday in various forms throughout the country, primarily in Paris.

    According to the research department of Statista, the number of participants in the Yellow Vest protests between November 2018 and June 2019: 



    Consequences on Trade Unions and Leaders' Popularity

    The Yellow Vest movement has challenged how trade unions perceive and understand the world of social mobilization. Additionally, distrust towards the political leaders in power has significantly increased, resulting in a decline in their popularity.

    Human and Judicial Consequences of the Yellow Vest Movement

    Eleven people lost their lives during the protests, including one death that occurred during a gathering near the victim's residence. Over 4,000 people were injured in clashes between protesters and law enforcement, with some sustaining severe injuries. According to data published by the Ministry of the Interior, over a seven-month period, the police made 12,107 arrests and 10,718 individuals were detained in connection with the Yellow Vest movement in France. Approximately 2,000 convictions were handed down, although many cases were dismissed.

    Suspension of Protests during the Pandemic

    The Yellow Vest protests were interrupted by the lockdown measures imposed by the government due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Health restrictions and concerns regarding the spread of the virus prevented large gatherings.

    Future Outlook and Presidential Elections

    Despite the suspension of protests, some individuals are ready to resume the Yellow Vest movement or join other major national movements to assert their demands. Many are also looking towards the 2022 presidential election as an opportunity to make their voices heard and bring about political changes. These observations are based on a year of photographs taken during the Yellow Vest protests, from its inception.

    These are my personal observations on the Yellow Vest movement, which I photographed almost every Saturday for a year, starting from its beginning.



  • Images from the yellow vests movement